Our team

Kevin Wereta

Managing Director

Kevin Wereta

Managing Director

Kevin’s career spans key roles at two New Zealand corporates – Fonterra and Fisher & Paykel Healthcare. At Fonterra he served as Global Auditor before becoming the General Manager of Global Health, Safety & Wellbeing at Fisher & Paykel Healthcare.

With over a decade interacting in China’s business landscape, Kevin enriches International Building Supplies with a global perspective. Despite his corporate success, Kevin’s roots as a tradesman remain integral, forming the foundation of his unique blend of hands-on experience and corporate acumen.

A key strength lies in Kevin’s ability to connect with people, evident in his global network across multiple industries. This skill, coupled with his extensive China business exposure, positions International Building Supplies strategically in navigating connections between customers and manufacturers.

Maggie Chen


Maggie Chen


Maggie is an accomplished entrepreneur based in Auckland, New Zealand. Her journey in New Zealand began in 2002 when she relocated with her family. For 13 years, she served as the co-owner and Chief Executive Officer of the New Zealand Chinese Herald. In 2015, she took on the role of General Manager for Alpha Group Holdings Ltd in New Zealand. Alpha Group operates globally, engaging in manufacturing, distribution, research and retail operations.

Maggie has a history of business growth and is dedicated to fostering relationships and trust between different cultures, with a particular focus on empowering the Asian community in New Zealand. In 2008, she had the privilege of joining the New Zealand government delegation for the signing ceremony of the “New Zealand-China Free Trade Agreement” in Beijing, a testament to her influence in bridging the international business ties.

Maggie’s exceptional insight into China’s business culture, particularly the fundamental concept of “Guan Xi” (relationship), is a valuable asset that she brings to International Building Supplies. “Guan Xi” is the intricate web of relationships, trust, and personal connections that underpin business transactions in China.